
Dragon Map Maker: TTRPG battle maps made easy

Created by Darren Rolmanis (Dragon Maps Ltd)

An app for quickly creating battle maps for tabletop roleplaying games such as Dungeons and Dragons, PathFinder etc

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Map examples!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 08:56:01 PM

Map examples!

I thought I would show off a few hi-resolution map examples. I haven’t linked any directly on Kickstarter before. So here you go!

This is a collection of maps I’ve created during development to test different systems and assets. Enjoy!

I've spent the last few days doing general Kickstarter stuff and prepping the beta build to be sent out to beta backers. That should happen when Kickstarter finishes processing final backer info which can take 10-14 days. So expect the beta links to start being sent out towards the end of the month. Very exciting!

Have a good day and happy mapping!

Under Dark stretch goal reached!
over 2 years ago – Sun, Jan 09, 2022 at 05:29:40 PM

Stretch goal reached: Under Dark Themes

We hit the Underdark stretch goal, which means you’ll get a set of Underdark themes and items.

Items such as:

  • Giant mushrooms (Glowing and non-glowing)
  • Mushroom Forest Biomes
  • Cave Biomes (Glowing Rocks and smaller Mushrooms scattered about)
  • Weird glowing rocks.
  • Stalagmites and stalactites (+ Glowing veins versions)
  • Walls, Windows and Doors that would fit into an Underdark setting

Live Map Demo (Beta Build)
over 2 years ago – Sun, Jan 09, 2022 at 07:04:20 AM

Live Map Demo (Beta Build)

Hi folks,

In the last couple of weeks, I’ve been polishing and preparing the beta version of Dragon Map Maker. I thought I’d record a live demo of me making a map from scratch with this current version.

In these four videos, I run through some of the basics of making rooms, roofing, painting height, painting biomes and how they all interact together.

I gave myself the task of doing this in one take, so you folks can see an unedited map session and the current beta app in action (I did cut out a couple of my “dead air brain farts” to save you time). The map takes about 20 minutes from start to finish with me explaining different features (maybe a bit of waffling). This is still a beta build and there are features I don’t go into much depth with. But it’s a good overall example of where I’m at so far.

The finished map isn't my greatest creation but it does the job! (It's linked after the YouTube videos)

Click to see the larger version that was saved in the last video.

Things I’m working on at the moment.

  • Room themes, I’m still tweaking the algorithms for the different types of Rooms.
  • I’ve also got some nice ideas for extra types of Room themes like Docks and Bridges that I’m working on.
  • I’ve added a new system Called “Overides”, which allows you to make changes to specific items in a selected theme. (Colours/Textures etc)
  • I'm also creating and inputting new assets.

Have a great day and happy mapping!

A bit more info on the Hero Tier unique items.
over 2 years ago – Thu, Dec 30, 2021 at 11:22:28 PM

A bit more info on the Hero Tier unique items.

(See point 3 in the previous update for background info on why I'm clarifying this)

Hero Tier backers will get a selection of themed items belonging to King Kii'k Sta'tor himself.

What you’ll get:

  • A code to unlock these items.
  • 10 Exotic royal-themed items that can be placed in a tomb or palace belonging to a great King or Queen. These will include a fancy tiled floor theme with items like chests, golden statues and carpets.

This info will be added to the Rewards graphic on the main page. The side bar rewards can't be edited once a Kickstarter goes live for obvious reasons. Hopefully this has cleared up any confusion.

That’s it for now, have a great new year!

And happy mapping!

Darren (Dragon Maps)

We’re fully funded!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Dec 29, 2021 at 09:17:29 PM

We’re fully funded!

I’d like to thank all the fantastic backers for their support in getting this far! We hit 100% about halfway through the Kickstarter which is really great. Running the Kickstarter has been exciting and terrifying in equal measure. Putting myself and my work out there is quite stressful but reading your comments has been fantastic and I’ll do my best to live up to your expectations.

After getting feedback and questions during the last 15 days I’d like to clarify a couple of things about the Kickstarter in case people missed them.

  1.  No isometric maps. I’ve not mentioned Isometric maps in the Kickstarter but a few people have asked about them. Some of my images on the Kickstarter page do look similar to an Isometric map. These are screenshots captured in-editor and are not Isometric maps, they’re just captured from a similar angle (I'll leave the ability to capture these images available in the app). True Isometric map rendering is a feature I will look at adding in the future.
  2.  The Kickstarter is for a Non-commercial licence of Dragon Map Maker. This was always in the FAQ. I’ve also added it to the first paragraph of the front page. Check the FAQ for more info.
  3.  The Hero Tier exclusive items. Don’t worry! you will get these if you’ve backed at Hero tier or above. But you might have wondered why there was no mention of them anywhere apart from the Hero Tier description text in the sidebar. A day or so before the Kickstarter went live I decided I didn’t want to gatekeep any content. So I removed the mention of the Hero Tier unique objects and reduced the price of the Hero Tier by £20 to reflect this. The way Kickstarter pages are edited means you have to do this in three separate places. Unfortunately, I missed the first line of the tier description and my proof-readers didn’t notice I’d made a change to the tier rewards! Whoops! Needless to say, since it’s in the reward text, Hero tier backers will get the unique items. This tier is now really good value haha.

Thanks again for the support, have a wonderful new year,

And happy mapping!

Darren (Dragon Maps)