FAQ: Dragon Map Maker: TTRPG battle maps made easy
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!

Will Dragon Map Maker be supported for Mac OS or only Windows PC?

Dragon Map Maker will initially just be for PC (sorry). If the Kickstarter goes well I can look into getting myself a Mac to do testing on. I wanted to make sure I didn’t bite off more than I could chew so restricting myself to one platform initially is the most sensible option even if its not ideal for mac users.

Last updated: December 14, 2021 14:14

Will there be VTT support?

VTT support is planned (Roll20, FoundyVTT, Fantasy Grounds Unity). Although this will most likely be after the initial launch.

Last updated: December 14, 2021 13:58

What Assets will be available?

I’ve created a basic set of Themes, Biomes and Objects to test systems and ideas. I’m constantly adding more as development progresses and I’ll be taking suggestions from the community when open beta starts.

I don’t have a complete list of assets available at the moment as they are still in flux during development.

I plan on having a good all round selection added by release so you’ll be able to create most D&D style fantasy maps you’d find in any of the official D&D Adventure Books.

Last updated: December 14, 2021 13:58

User Created Assets?

The ability to add your own custom assets will likely be a feature added after launch (hitting certain stretch goals will help bring this forward faster). Systems have been designed with this in mind.

Last updated: December 14, 2021 14:00

Commercial use of Maps/Licence?

Because DMM can potentially be used to create a large volume of maps without much effort initially there will only be a “Home DM license” available. This means that you can not monetize the maps, this includes creating a Patreon page or other similar ways of monetization.

Using DMM maps in Streams/live play videos and payed DM games is totally fine (a shout out would be appreciated).

Using DMM maps in a module will initially require myself (Dragon Maps Ltd) to grant a licence to the module creator for use in that module (even if that’s just written consent via email).

Using DMM maps in other products will require either written consent or some form of negotiated contract/license depending on the size and reach of the product.

The reason for these rules is that there are a lot of very talented people making their living creating maps for the D&D community and I don’t want to negatively impact them.

Last updated: December 14, 2021 13:58

Curved Room shapes?

At the moment Room shapes are based on a 5ft square grid. Currently, Terrain facing Room edges can be set to have diagonal walls. However, Interior diagonal walls and circular walls are not currently available. With a successful Kickstarter (hitting certain stretch goals), I can develop the Room system to allow more diverse shapes.

Last updated: December 14, 2021 13:58

Height painting resolution?

Currently height is painted using the 5ft square grid. Although this is quick and simple to use for larger terrain features, it can lack the resolution for painting smaller height details. With a successful Kickstarter (hitting certain stretch goals), I’ll be able to increase the height painting resolution.

Last updated: December 14, 2021 13:58

Map Size limits?

The current map sizes available are from 10x10 up to 100x100. A 100x100 battle map is HUGE and to be honest, shouldn’t really be used as a battle map, it’s just too big to be fun. However, I do understand that people will want to create larger maps for exploration, like mega-dungeons or cities. With this in mind, I do have plans to add to the systems already there to create maps of theoretically infinite size (hitting certain stretch goals).

Last updated: December 14, 2021 13:58

Is this a Virtual tabletop?

Nope! Just for making lovely 2D maps.

Last updated: December 14, 2021 14:01

Can I export 3D maps or assets?

Not at the moment. This might be a future feature but not for a while and will depend on the Kickstarter success.

Last updated: December 14, 2021 14:02

Does it render out animated maps?

Not at the moment. If there’s enough interest after launch I can look into adding this feature.

Last updated: December 14, 2021 14:02

Can it do Hex maps?

No sorry. A lot of the automated algorithms and systems use a grid based system to work out where objects can be placed. These would need to be totally written from scratch to handle hex grids. The terrains would work fine as Hex maps though.

Last updated: December 14, 2021 14:12

What about Sci-fi and modern asstes?

Sci-fi and modern assets are part of the stretch goals.

Last updated: December 14, 2021 14:32

Beta Keys

Note: You MUST use the itch.io app to download, install and run Dragon Map Maker. It won’t work if you download it from your web browser. You can get access to your beta key through your BackerKit account if you can’t find your email. https://dragonmapmaker.backerkit.com/


  1. The beta key in the email is also a web link, it will take you to the itch.io site (Copy/Paste it into your web browser address bar).
  2. You’ll be asked to link your itch.io account to the key. If you don’t have an itch.io account you’ll be asked to make one.
  3. Download and Install the itch.io app.
  4. Load and Log into the app with your itch.io account.
  5. Open your Library (big heart icon). If you’re on an explore page with lots of games etc close that tab using the x on the left side bar. You should then see a bunch of large icons. One being your library.
  6. Click the Library Icon and you should see “DMM Test” in your library as an owned item.
  7. Install “DMM Test”
  8. When its finished downloading you can launch DMM.
  9. Clicking the launch button will run DMM, a window will open asking if you want to “Play Now” or “Web”. Choose Play Now.
  10. Dragon Map Maker should now launch.
  11. In DMM click the “Help” button (top bar) for basic instructions on what does what.
  12. There’s also a link to the live demo I gave in one of my updates that will be very helpful (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSNVr0i2zcSItk53OkuXNVk-LlcRDmWbn).
  13. Most things in DMM have info tool tips. Just hover your mouse pointer over a button or panel and you’ll get a little info window pop up with hints on what it does.

Join the Discord server for help from me and the community. They’re a friendly bunch! https://discord.gg/JQRbj3C98W

Last updated: February 02, 2022 12:49

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