
Dragon Map Maker: TTRPG battle maps made easy

Created by Darren Rolmanis (Dragon Maps Ltd)

An app for quickly creating battle maps for tabletop roleplaying games such as Dungeons and Dragons, PathFinder etc

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Traveler Tier beta update correction*
over 2 years ago – Fri, Apr 22, 2022 at 10:33:42 PM

Correction for previous update* 

When I typed Adventurer I actually meant to type Traveler tier. Sorry for the confusion. 

All Traveler tier backers will be receiving the beta keys next week. 

Adventurer Tier beta news and Assets update
over 2 years ago – Fri, Apr 22, 2022 at 09:09:46 PM

Hello everyone!

As I mentioned in my last update I am currently doing a reorganisation, update and optimisation of current assets so going forward I have a better base of assets to work with and build from. This has been going well but it has taken me a bit longer than I was hoping. I was planning on releasing the beta keys to adventurer tiers with this asset update but as not all assets are quite done yet I’m now planning on releasing the Adventurer beta keys early next week and the assets update will be released in stages when each set of assets is finished.

I’ve also been recording a set of videos this week going over each feature of DMM so the new users have a good idea of how everything works. These should be going up on YouTube and my website in the next few days to help get Adventurer tier folks up to speed.

Here are some images of the assets I’ve been working on that will be added soon, with lots more to come.

And here is a preview of the excellent Legend tier statue/sculpt. Many thanks to Ashley (the wonderful Legendary backer) for the amazing character design and artwork. And the amazing sculpting work of Jaime G. Echanove. Introducing, Asha Goddess of Chaos, The Faceless One. You’ll be able to place this very cool statue on your maps soon.

Thanks for all the support and happy mapping!

Launch Update
over 2 years ago – Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 02:35:53 PM

Hi Folks,

The end of March is nearly here so I’d like to update everyone on my current schedule and plans for Dragon Map Makers launch.

The beta is going well, the first six weeks were taken up with bug fixing, optimisations and quality of life features. For the last two weeks, I’ve been working on updating, reorganising and creating new base assets so it's easier for me to add new assets and themes in the future.

During the Kickstarter I was aiming to launch DMM by the end of March. Although the Beta has gone well, I feel an official launch at the end of March is slightly premature. I’ve decided to have a soft launch by adding the remaining backers to the current beta program on (in a couple of weeks). And then launch later on Steam to the general public. My reasons for this decision are laid out below.

I underestimated how time-consuming it was to run a Kickstarter and organise everything that comes along with it. It's been a crazy few months and I’ve had less time than I thought I’d have to do the actual dev work. The end of March is quite close now and although the software is in a good place, the map assets and themes are still being worked on. I don’t want to launch while not having a robust selection of map assets.

So as I’ve said, the remaining backers will be receiving a beta key for in the next couple of weeks. I’ll continue to work on assets plus any user issues and bugs. When I am happy with the selection of assets and themes I’ll launch on Steam, more than likely into early access.

Have a great day and happy mapping!

Beta update #1
over 2 years ago – Tue, Mar 01, 2022 at 02:46:13 PM

Beta update #1

Hi Folks,

Just a quick update on how the Beta has been going since the end of the Kickstarter.

The first week or so was spent dealing with user questions, feedback and bug reports. Although very hectic for me I think the beta launch went quite well. After things calmed down a bit I started gathering feedback on features and usability, as well as focusing on the more serious bugs stopping people from using DMM. I’ve already pushed out a few updates which should have fixed most of the major bugs and added some requested functionality. I’ll be relying on the Beta folks to keep poking me if they still have issues :) 

One thing that's been very cool for me is to see the maps people are creating. Here are some examples with thanks to all the amazing beta testers!

Beta maps on

February was all about finding my feet and getting DMM out to a bunch of people to stress test. Fixing major bugs and reacting to anything that wasn’t working for people.

March will be more about Themes and Assets!

So moving forward I’ll continue to fix reported bugs, while improving existing themes and adding new themes and assets (suggested by the beta testers).

That's it for now, take care and happy mapping!

Darren (Dragon Maps)

Quick Beta update (Discord link!)
over 2 years ago – Mon, Jan 31, 2022 at 10:36:53 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.